AACR Special Conference: Cancer Metastasis

Meet with the Hera team in Portland to chat about the latest advances in oncology and to learn more about our cutting-edge animal models, in vivo contract research services, and gene editing technologies.

November 14 – 17, 2022
Hyatt Regency Portland, Portland, Oregon

About the Special Meeting

This AACR Special Conference will feature presentations on the latest findings in cancer metastasis. Sessions will feature presentations on metabolic adaptations, epigenetic plasticity, genomic changes, circulating cancer cells, microenvironment, and dormancy.

We Accelerate Preclinical and Biotechnology Research

We wield and sell disruptive biotechnology like the SRG OncoRat and gene editing technologies like Cas-CLOVER and piggyBac to efficiently and accurately run and enable contracted drug testing, drug discovery and development, chemical toxicity testing, and xenograft studies.